Monday, 4 April 2016

Guysborough County CEF Enlistments - April 4, 1916

Eight Guysborough County natives and one resident enlisted with CEF units on April 4, 1916:

Bright, James Kendall:

Born June 19, 1894 at Country Harbour, son of John William & Margaret Olive (Fenton) Bright.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Transferred to 42nd Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada) on December 5, 1916. Shrapnel wound (leg) on April 9. 1917 at Vimy Ridge, France. Rejoined 42nd in France on November 21, 1917. Gassed at Cambrai (September 29, 1918), returned to unit on October 10, 1918. Discharged at Halifax on April 13, 1919.

Post-war: Returned to Sherbrooke, marrying Mary Viola Jordan and raising a family of four children (two boys and two girls). Served in Veterans’ Guard during the Second World War. Employed as Sherbrooke post office caretaker. Passed away at Camp Hill Hospital, Halifax on January 9, 1970 and laid to rest in St. James Anglican Cemetery, Sherbrooke.

Click here to read a detailed version of Kendall’s story.
Ehler, Leslie Charles:

Born July 30, 1893 at Queensport, son of David C. & Maria C. (Porper) Ehler.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Married to Gladys Marie “Kerrie” McKay, with one son at time of enlistment. Transferred to 42nd Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada) on December 5, 1916. Hospitalized in France on December 7, 1916 (mumps). Transferred to 85th Battalion on February 24, 1917. Hospitalized (mumps) on March 26, 1917. Transferred to 4th Canadian Divisional Entrenching Battalion on July 18. 1917. Hospitalized on July 26, 1917 (laryngitis). Rejoined unit on August 26, 1917. Returned to 85th Battalion on September 1, 1917. Attached to 4th Canadian Divisional Train on October 4, 1917. Hospitalized on October 7, 1917 (appendicitis). Invalided sick to England. Discharged at Halifax on August 23, 1919.

Post-war: One son, John Charles Ehler (1915-1999). Passed away December 6, 1983 at Queensport, NS.

Fitzgerald, Simon Courtney:

Born September 2, 1893 at Queensport, son of Patrick & Barbara Elizabeth (Dort) Fitzgerald.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Transferred to 3rd Canadian Labour Battalion on January 9, 1917. Hospitalized in England on March 7, 1917 (parotiditis - inflammation of parotid salivary gland). Transferred to 2nd Battalion Canadian Railway Troops on July 13, 1917 and proceeded to France. Hospitalized at Havre, France on January 23, 1919 (pneumonia - seriously ill). Recovered and returned to duty on June 6, 1919. Discharged at Halifax on July 17, 1919.

Post-war: Married Kate May Jellow on April 13, 1925 and raised a family of four while working as a fisherman at Queensport. Passed away on October 16, 1972 and laid to rest in St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Queensport, NS.

Jamieson, William Lewis:

Born April 27, 1893 at Queensport, son of Alexander & Cynthia (Feltmate) Jamieson.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Transferred to 42nd Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada) on December 5, 1916. Wounded by shrapnel on April 9, 1917 at Vimy Ridge, France and invalided to England. Returned to 42nd in France on March 9, 1918 and served in the line for  the remainder of the war. Discharged at Halifax on March 27, 1919.

Post-war: Married Reta Rhynold on October 13, 1919 and raised a family of six children (three girls and three boys) while working as a fisherman at Queensport. Known locally as “Soldier Bill”, Will passed away June 27, 1973 and was laid to rest in St. James Church Cemetery, Half Way Cove.

Click here to read a detailed version of Will’s story.

Jordan, Frank Archibald:

Born April 22, 1888 at Sherbrooke, son of Thomas & Mary (Fraser) Jordan.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Married at time of enlistment. No further service information available.

Post-war: He and his wife, Eva, raised a family of ten on their farm in the Indian Harbour area. Passed away August 27, 1965 at Camp Hill Hospital, Halifax and laid to rest in Indian Harbour Cemetery.

Kennedy, James Aloysius:

Born October 27, 1897 at Mulgrave, son of John & Annie (O’Neil) Kennedy.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Transferred to 42nd Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada) in December 1916. Promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal, awarded Military Medal for bravery at Cambrai on September 27, 1918. Discharged at Halifax on April 16, 1919.

Post-war: Married Bridget Loretta “Rita” Keating on November 9, 1926 and raised a family of four. Employed as captain of CNR train ferry at Mulgrave. Passed away on February 20, 1952 and laid to rest in St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Cemetery, Mulgrave.

McKenzie, Arthur:

Born November 12, 1897 at Canso, son of David & Maria (Uloth) McKenzie.

Enlistment: 94th Victoria Regiment Argyll Highlanders (militia) at Canso. Served with the 94th Regiment at Canso for eleven and a half months. Hospitalized with diphtheria on March 13, 1917, developed myocarditis and passed away at Canso on May 13, 1917.

Bruce MacDonald’s “First World War Honour Roll of Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, Volume I: 1915 - 1917,” available at Bantry Publishing, contains a detailed description of Arthur’s family background and military service.

Potter, Gordon Vincent:

Born October 13, 1897 at Fisherman’s Harbour, son of Thomas & Martha (Bingley) Potter.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Transferred to 85th Battalion on June 7, 1918. Killed in action at Scarpe, France on September 2, 1918.

Suttis, Thomas William “Tommy” (Waterhouse):

Born Thomas William Waterhouse on July 20, 1884 at Leeds, England, son of Isaac & Caroline (Townson) Waterhouse. Adopted by David & Emma Eunice (Atwater) Suttis, Indian Harbour.

Enlistment: 193rd Battalion at Guysborough. Transferred to 42nd Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada) on December 5, 1916. Transferred to 85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders) on February 24, 1917. Killed in action at Passchendaele, Belgium on October 30, 1917.

Bruce MacDonald’s “First World War Honour Roll of Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, Volume I: 1915 - 1917,” available at Bantry Publishing, contains a detailed description of Tommy’s family background and military service.

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